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ADHD & Executive Functioning Specialty Services

At Annapolis Child and Family Therapy, we offer exceptional scientifically-based services to treat ADHD and Executive Functioning (EF) concerns. Our ADHD and EF specialty service is led by Dr. Amy Altszuler, an expert clinician and well-published researcher in the area of ADHD and related concerns.

Neat Storage Boxes

Organizational Skills


For difficulties related to executive functioning, we provide organizational skills training (OST) to improve time management, planning, and organization. OST is most effective for older children and teens and works best when families are involved in creating a behavior plan to encourage the use and practice of OST skills. For young adults with ADHD, we use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to teach coping skills and target problem-solving, time management, and organizational skills.

Mother and a Child

Behavioral Parent


To address difficulties with attention and behavior in the home setting, we offer behavioral parent training (BPT).


BPT involves working with parents on strategies for reducing problem behavior and increasing compliance, rule-following, and strengthening the parent-child relationship.

Kids in Daycare

Behavioral Classroom Management

For problems at school, we offer consultation in behavioral classroom management (BCM), which involves collaborating with a child’s teacher and other school personnel to implement school-based interventions such as Home-School Daily Report Cards, IEPs, and 504 plans. These interventions can improve a child’s ability to follow school and classroom rules, as well as academic productivity and accuracy, peer relationships, and child-teacher relationships.

In addition to behavioral therapy approaches, individuals with ADHD may benefit from medication to address symptoms. We work collaboratively with our psychiatrist or your own physician to evaluate whether medication may be helpful and, when indicated, to develop a treatment plan that combines medication and behavior therapy.

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